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21-Apr-06 | Anime is for Kids?

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21-Apr-06 | Anime is for Kids?

Postby DP-NiSh » April 21st, 2006, 1:04 am

Nishant: lol
Nishant: i wish more and more indians wud here
Nishant: we'd have a dp team
Nishant: how cool
Nishant: lol
Venkat: they need to be more specific in the Future of Pokemon
Nishant: i often see new indians coming to my site, i shud put up a notice or sumthing to have them into our team
Nishant: i've been seeing new indians ips entering my site lately
Venkat: I mean most of the Indians thinks Animes as Children Matter
Nishant: i hate those kind of
Nishant: they dont even know its called anime
Nishant: they call it cartoons
Venkat: Fortunately my dad still watched Anime with me
Nishant: pokemon = mickey mouse = tom and jerry = all the same thing i.e cartoons
Venkat: still watching
Nishant: lol
Nishant: they'd think like that
Venkat: arre cartoon is a Snigle Frame
Venkat: Single Frame
Nishant: i know
Nishant: im saying
Nishant: bout them
Venkat: yep
Venkat: they dont even wanna listen
Nishant: have u seen any lol
Venkat: Many of my relatives are that kinda
Nishant: oh
Nishant: i hate to show my site to others just for that reason
Nishant: that im into pokemon
Nishant: and im 19
Venkat: they always tell me to grow up and watch Movies and Other Stuffs
Nishant: im not watching those censored hindi movies
Nishant: naked ladies...
Venkat: I will always tell them back to grow up and Watch Animes
Nishant: thats what the kids like now
Nishant: its getting more and more open
Nishant: p0rn
Nishant: the hindi movies are getting out of the limit
Nishant: i've not watched a hindi movie in years
Venkat: yep
Venkat: if they continue like this then there will be no Culture for our country
Nishant: u know in countries like usa i dont think people have that kind of attitude bout older guys watching cartoons
Nishant: instead they're more popular there
Venkat: yep
Venkat: like a Sharuk Khan Movie in Mumbai
Nishant: lol
Venkat: how many of these noobs have seen Game festivels?
Venkat: 90% of the Visitors are Aged
Venkat: have u seen the release of Xbox 3
Nishant: lol
Nishant: nop
Nishant: age is no barrier in gaming and cartoons
Venkat: Almost all the Heads are Adults
Nishant: ur free to watch what u like
Nishant: and not what the society tells u
Nishant: the society is fked up
Nishant: lol
Venkat: I have searched for any Kid there and Finally found 7
Venkat: only 7 of 1000s
Nishant: one thing is that kids DONT really understand much
Nishant: i've seen small kids watching pokemon, they dont even understand it, attack strategies and all that, and people think its only meant for kids
Venkat: so shocked to see the kind of encouragement to Games and Animes
Nishant: kids obviously wont understand cartoons in depth as much as we do
Nishant: i mean anime
Venkat: preciously
Nishant: lol
Venkat: arre
Nishant: yea re
Venkat: This is another topic for DPF
Nishant: haha i just thought bout this
Venkat: copy paste
Nishant: u think the same as me
Nishant: infact i also think these kind of topics shud be up for DPCast
Nishant: lol
Nishant: lemme make that category again, lost it with no backups, do u remember what was it where i posted the earlier chat
Venkat: hmm
Venkat: a long time before
Venkat: I lost track
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Postby SapnaYokris56 » April 23rd, 2006, 5:20 pm

Yea I too think anime is meant for older age groups and I hate when everyone say you still watch cartoons at this age :evil:
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Postby bala88 » May 10th, 2006, 3:23 pm

really nice convo between u two guys.. anyway i would like to quote from what Nishant said in that convo "Nishant: age is no barrier in gaming and cartoons"
thats highly true.. but people don't understand it... we need people to tell them that its not just childs play its a thing of a adult too...

maybe some organization can put money together a make ads to display on the tv with this message with a little humor put into so adults will at least watch the ad and understand that anime nor cartoons are NOT just for kids its for adult too...
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Postby Nem » May 27th, 2007, 2:22 am

Yeah! That's quite true.
Cartoons are meant for kids while animes for mature people. Now if we are grown up or kids, it doesn't matter till you see what you like (animes, i mean) Seriously, anime are meant for mature people.

Unfortunately, Inidan public fails to understand that and for them, everything that is in 2D is cartoons.....sheesh. To be true, watching Animes is much better than watching those stupid reality shows like Indian Idol (photocopy of American Idol) or Antakshari (whatever that is) or worse those stupid Saans-Bahu series. God damn Ekta Kapoor.

Its all in a matter of time. One day, Indian masses will realise that Anime was always meant for mature people and not just kids.
(Hope that day comes soon...)
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Postby Ewan » May 27th, 2007, 2:24 am

Well... from what limited stuff i know, animes are mainly considered for adults in Japan only really... (appart from some). In some countries like the US, some animes are considered for adults, though most are still considered 'kiddy' ¬.¬

But I dont know much about the matter, so dont beleive anything i say ^_^;
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Postby Petey » May 27th, 2007, 1:51 pm

Let's put it this way,
Animé is as much in the culture of Japanese children & citizens as any *generic* Indian is to soaps. (I think soaps are ughish and useless though ¬.¬)
Simply because Animé is animated, people take it for "kids" outside Japan.
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Postby Ewan » May 27th, 2007, 1:54 pm

Lol @ the soaps! ^_^;

I agree with the animated bit, and people taking them for kids... Such a shame... ='(
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Postby Nem » May 29th, 2007, 1:23 pm

The problem with Indian masses is that our people don't have an open mind! They are simlpy obsessed with silly stuff like soaps and bollywood (which is simply a Xerox of Hollywood)

Its a pity. :(
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Re: 21-Apr-06 | Anime is for Kids?

Postby taninamdar » November 23rd, 2009, 3:38 pm

I too get angry when my friends or relatives say that u still watch pokemon at this (I am 16) age.
What do they mean?? Pokemon is pokemon and its best. So I really get angry on them..
:angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:
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Re: 21-Apr-06 | Anime is for Kids?

Postby Maxedge » November 24th, 2009, 12:36 pm

Lol people stopped telling me coz they figured it is a waste of time to tell :-P

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Re: 21-Apr-06 | Anime is for Kids?

Postby Prongs » November 24th, 2009, 2:04 pm

Well I guess 12 is suitable for Pokémon.
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Re: 21-Apr-06 | Anime is for Kids?

Postby kaijudo » November 24th, 2009, 3:41 pm

Lol Maxedge, same thing happened to me. My classmates still bug me about how I like pokemon but I close an ear. I figured It's just like mindless dogs barking at you. BE WHO YOU ARE, LIKE WHAT YOU WANT! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA.......... :?
Thanks to Keshavkd........YAY
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Re: 21-Apr-06 | Anime is for Kids?

Postby taninamdar » November 24th, 2009, 4:42 pm

What 12, prongs?
Not at all.
I am 16 now, still I love pokemon?
How old are you?
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Re: 21-Apr-06 | Anime is for Kids?

Postby Prongs » November 24th, 2009, 4:46 pm

I am 12 but that doesn't mean anyone can boss me.
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Re: 21-Apr-06 | Anime is for Kids?

Postby adyniz » November 24th, 2009, 9:09 pm

That's the spirit. :P
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