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NEW WORLD RECORD! Most Chatters at once.

Chat logs from random chat sessions between DP admins/members, just for fun ;)

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NEW WORLD RECORD! Most Chatters at once.

Postby Prongs » February 8th, 2010, 10:17 pm

For the first time I saw such a huge number of people babbling at once.

Here's the log:
56* Now talking in #pokemonfunzone
* Topic is 'PokemonTrainZone - Choo Choo? Moo Moo!'
* Set by PikachuTrAiNeR on Fri Feb 05 16:07:58
-Wobba- Please wait silently while we deal with our current guests. You will be notified when your turn will come. You are number 2 in line. Thanks!
<Prongs|away> hi
<Wobba> welcome
* Prongs|away is now known as Prongs
<Prongs> aaaa?
<Sunny> Prongs
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> omg o_O
<Sunny> Dongs
<%mbncd> wb prongs
<Sunny> Tongs
<Sunny> Longs
<Sunny> Pongs
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> This is the largest gathering of active people EVER
<@Mewtwo7> LOL
<aaaa> o.o
<Prongs> EVER?
<Wobba> what's so funny?
<Prongs> Who is aaaa?
<aaaa> who is wobba
<Wobba> look in the address book Prongs
<aaaa> me
<Wobba> no idea
<aaaa> aciidb0mb3r
<Sunny> Mai waifu
<%mbncd> pikat this place used to bustle sometimes
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Yes, I know
<Prongs> btw We have two M2s
<%mbncd> then it kinda went to sleep
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> I mean recently :P
<Prongs> They need to be counted as 1
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> I was around then, you know
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> hmm
<aaaa> sunny
<aaaa> code
<Sunny> :O ?
<@Mewtwo7> <@PikachuTrAiNeR> I was around then, you know
<@Mewtwo7> read it as ten
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> -.-;;
<aaaa> sms
<aaaa> code
<@Mewtwo7> the second time i read it that is
<Prongs> lol
<Sunny> 686703
<Wobba> you haven't lost your sence of humor, Prongs
<@Mewtwo7> b
<aaaa> wobba
<Wobba> awaiting commands :{P
<%mbncd> pikat when did u come? u didnt used to be around when i was hanging out with thom n ewan a lot back in '07-'08
<aaaa> who is
<aaaa> wobba die
<Prongs> Commands?
<aaaa> wobba play
<aaaa> wobba kill
<aaaa> -_-
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> I was there in '07-'08
<Sunny> Wobbuffet
<Prongs> timebomb aaaa
<Sunny> :D
<Wobba> I don't have a single bomb to spare. :-(
<Prongs> :D
<Sunny> timebomb me
<Wobba> I don't have a single bomb to spare. :-(
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Been here since '06
<Prongs> Wobba is weak
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Active since '08
<Sunny> kill wobba
<Sunny> !k wobba
* @aciidb0mb3r ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Ewan was very active from '08-'09 lol
<Wobba> :))))
<Prongs> I am here since Nov End (2009)
* Wobba doesn't belive
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> And thom was around towards the beginning of my active stay here too
* aciidb0mb3r ([email protected]) has joined #pokemonfunzone
<%mbncd> pikat u were a new face to me after id been here for almost a year
* PoKeMoNFUNZoNe sets mode: +ao aciidb0mb3r aciidb0mb3r
* Retrieving #pokemonfunzone modes...
<@aciidb0mb3r> sunny
<@aciidb0mb3r> code
<Sunny> Generating nth-order world model...
<Sunny> Bullshit
<@aciidb0mb3r> o.o
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> I was usually around during the day then
<Sunny> 186010
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Not 24x7
<@Mewtwo7> Sunny
<@Mewtwo7> Funny
<Wobba> what's the problem?
<Sunny> ?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> bt off
<@Mewtwo7> Money
<@Mewtwo7> Honey
<Prongs> Looney?
<%mbncd> when is ur day? im an aussie, most of u lot r upside down to me
<@Mewtwo7> Lie
<@aciidb0mb3r> The code you
<@aciidb0mb3r> entered
<@aciidb0mb3r> didn't verify.
<@Mewtwo7> lol @ day
<@aciidb0mb3r> check again
<Sunny> 186010
<@aciidb0mb3r> worked
<@aciidb0mb3r> lol
<%mbncd> 13•·05Current Time13·• Time..::052:25am13::.. Day..::05Tuesday13::.. Date..::05February 9th 201013::.. TimeZone..::05GMT 10:0013::.. 13.•05«13UPP05»13•.
<%mbncd> see?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> hmm I dont remember now
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> lol
<@aciidb0mb3r> oh
<@aciidb0mb3r> TBBT
<@aciidb0mb3r> new ep
<@aciidb0mb3r> no wait
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> well around 5pm-10pm'ish in '06-'07
<@aciidb0mb3r> its 10 am
<@aciidb0mb3r> atm
<@aciidb0mb3r> it will be around 8
<@aciidb0mb3r> :(
<Sunny> Bye people
<%mbncd> pikat speak world wide time ~_~
<Sunny> Sleepy
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> \o
<Sunny> :<
<@aciidb0mb3r> sunny
<@aciidb0mb3r> wait
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> *+IST
<@Mewtwo7> o/
<Sunny> o/
<@aciidb0mb3r> 2 more acc
<@aciidb0mb3r> wait
<@Mewtwo7> who're we wavin at?
<@aciidb0mb3r> wait
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> +5.30
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> so
<Sunny> SMS /
<@aciidb0mb3r> wait
<Sunny> Your number?
<@aciidb0mb3r> brb new ip
<Sunny> I'll message you.
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> that would be around now actually
<@aciidb0mb3r> 9982122040
<%mbncd> ah so u're about 4.5hrs behind me
<Sunny> Name O_O;; ?
<@aciidb0mb3r> aciidb0mb3r
<Prongs> lol
<Sunny> norly?
<Sunny> k
<Sunny> That was me
* aaaaa ([email protected]) has joined
<Prongs> ?
* @aciidb0mb3r ([email protected]) Quit (Broken pipe)
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> well my current client's logs date back to 2007
<%mbncd> still im surprised i didnt see more of u in my first year pikat... at well
<%mbncd> as do mine
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Just checked
<%mbncd> sept 07
<Sunny> \o
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> #pokemon-originals
<Sunny> Naisu
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Nov 07
* aaaa ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
<Sunny> And, PikaT and Mewy
<%mbncd> wrong channel lol
<Sunny> Imma annoy you all night
<Sunny> :D
<@Mewtwo7> b
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> I was there after #pfz
<@Mewtwo7> Annoy us?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> m2 shoved me there
<@Mewtwo7> How so?
<aaaaa> sunny
<aaaaa> code
<Sunny> 620495
<Prongs> 60 posts in less then half a day.
<Prongs> Meh
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> o.O
<@Mewtwo7> o.O
<Prongs> You were saying we don't need it.
* aciidb0mb3r ([email protected]) has joined #pokemonfunzone
<@Mewtwo7> again?
<@Mewtwo7> lol
<Sunny> bot
<%mbncd> hmmm some of my logs r missing...
<aciidb0mb3r> who took them?
<@Mewtwo7> I read it as logs r raising, I think
<@Mewtwo7> Sunny did
<Prongs> My logs don't save now.
<aciidb0mb3r> -_-
<@Mewtwo7> sad, they don't like you
<aciidb0mb3r> mewtwo
<aciidb0mb3r> get
<@Mewtwo7> I'm hungry
<@Mewtwo7> Feed me
<aciidb0mb3r> a
<aciidb0mb3r> lens
<@Mewtwo7> Already wearing them, no thank you.
<aciidb0mb3r> u eyes are not working properly
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Just got migraine again today
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> second time
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> -.-
<aciidb0mb3r> get more
<aciidb0mb3r> o.o
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> o_O
<aciidb0mb3r> sux
<aciidb0mb3r> thx sunny
<@Mewtwo7> -.- @ wearing more than one layer of lens
<%mbncd> #pokemonfunzone.20070921.log <-- my earliest log of this chan. Thomsoft.20060809.log <-- my earliest thom pm log, over a year before, but i only talked to him a few minutes before coming in here the first time...
<@Mewtwo7> you do that
<aciidb0mb3r> i cant afford lens
<aciidb0mb3r> :(
<aciidb0mb3r> loan
<@Mewtwo7> as if
<Prongs> <@Mewtwo7> Feed me <--- DOg food works?
<@Mewtwo7> buy the yearly
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> lol @ Feed me
<@Mewtwo7> 1300
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Reminded me of Dexter
<@Mewtwo7> lasts a year and half or so
<aciidb0mb3r> o.O
<@Mewtwo7> That is just one pair
<aciidb0mb3r> how much are permanent onces?
<aciidb0mb3r> ones*
<@Mewtwo7> I used to use those
<@Mewtwo7> Now I use monthly
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> o.o;
<@Mewtwo7> randomly, just so I get fresh new ones every month
<aciidb0mb3r> how much
<aciidb0mb3r> are monthly ones?
<@Mewtwo7> 800~ bucks for 3 pairs
<aciidb0mb3r> why 3 pairs ?
<@Mewtwo7> they last me for 45 days or so, depending on how much I used
<@Mewtwo7> well then buy a month
<@Mewtwo7> or a day
<@Mewtwo7> as you like
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> ah real lenses
<aciidb0mb3r> o.o
<aciidb0mb3r> too costly
<aciidb0mb3r> lens are
<@Mewtwo7> its ok
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> At first I thought you were talking about squidoo lenses or something
<@Mewtwo7> eww
<aciidb0mb3r> does they pain
<aciidb0mb3r> when u put them
<@Mewtwo7> not really
<aciidb0mb3r> can u sleep while wearing?
<Prongs> lool
<aciidb0mb3r> what is max number avaiable ?
<Prongs> lol
<@Mewtwo7> no, not the regular ones, not recommended
<@Mewtwo7> -.-
<@Mewtwo7> well if you sleep, then you'll wake up with red eyes
<@Mewtwo7> and they'll become hard to take off
* aaaaa ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
<aciidb0mb3r> o.o
<@Mewtwo7> your tears keep them wet, if you close eyes, you no longer have tears so, they start to dry
<aciidb0mb3r> why
<aciidb0mb3r> :O
<aciidb0mb3r> oh
<@Mewtwo7> sorry
<@Mewtwo7> I meant blinking
<aciidb0mb3r> scary
<Prongs> Good i got a screen shot
<@Mewtwo7> blinking keeps them going on
<@Mewtwo7> no its ok, not anything to worry
<aciidb0mb3r> so its ok as long as i blink in sleep
<@Mewtwo7> I've been using since 10th grade so
* Sunny ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
<aciidb0mb3r> o.o
<@Mewtwo7> Initially I've worn them together for a day or two
<@Mewtwo7> while shower
<@Mewtwo7> while snooze
<@Mewtwo7> but then its not recommended so, and not safe
<aciidb0mb3r> so we buy 3 pairs
<aciidb0mb3r> for 800 bucks
<aciidb0mb3r> they will last
<aciidb0mb3r> 3 months?
<@Mewtwo7> then again, there are such special lenses which you can keep inside your eye for a month without taking off
<@Mewtwo7> for people who travel and such
<Prongs> Meh
<@Mewtwo7> yes the monthly ones will last you from 30 to 45 days.. depending on ur usage
<@Mewtwo7> they'll start to burn after that
<aciidb0mb3r> burn ?
<aciidb0mb3r> eye ?
<aciidb0mb3r> :|
<aciidb0mb3r> wtf
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> o.o rofl
<@Mewtwo7> or get slightly blurry
<@Mewtwo7> Same with my yearly ones, after a year or year and half, they get blurry, not burn though
<aciidb0mb3r> 0 results found for eye lens
<@Mewtwo7> they're called contact lenses
<@Mewtwo7> Just go and get a trial pack for a day or something
<@Mewtwo7> they cost around 90 bucks
<aciidb0mb3r> o
* Prongs feels like doing something evil
<aciidb0mb3r> how many days they last?
<@Mewtwo7> actually you can get for free
<@Mewtwo7> >_> @ Prongs evilness..
<@Mewtwo7> so yes
<aciidb0mb3r> where
<aciidb0mb3r> i like free :D
<@Mewtwo7> well, Idk at ur place
<@Mewtwo7> u get coupons
<aciidb0mb3r> ... 3efca58188
<aciidb0mb3r> hm dun think wil get here
<@Mewtwo7> Txt to Bausch and Lomb or Aquafresh or whatever
<@Mewtwo7> they used to give coupons
<@Mewtwo7> you take them to the shop, and one day pair free
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> o.O; @ buying lenses on ebay
<aciidb0mb3r> tho we have bausch and lomb factory there
<@Mewtwo7> rofl
<aciidb0mb3r> here *
<aciidb0mb3r> lol @ buy
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> -.- @ more factories
<aciidb0mb3r> was just seeing
<aciidb0mb3r> lol
<aciidb0mb3r> bhiwadi is filled with factory
<aciidb0mb3r> its a industrial area
<aciidb0mb3r> got all major factories here
<aciidb0mb3r> pepsi
<@Mewtwo7> that always makes me imagine smoke and chimneys
<aciidb0mb3r> and all
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> lol
<@Mewtwo7> and zig zag styled roofs
<aciidb0mb3r> o.o
<aciidb0mb3r> zig zag roof = yes
<aciidb0mb3r> smoke = very few
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> viewforum.php?f=106 <- o.O woah
* PoKeMoNFUNZoNe sets mode: +ao aciidb0mb3r aciidb0mb3r
<@Mewtwo7> Anyway you should try contacts for once, they'll give
you the feel of a natural eyesight ^^
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> This many topics already?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> lol
<@Mewtwo7> Because they give you a complete 360degree view
<@Mewtwo7> erm, minus whatever is behind the eyes
<@aciidb0mb3r> behind eyes?
<@aciidb0mb3r> o.o
<@Mewtwo7> I mean.. behind you
<@Mewtwo7> that would be 360
<@aciidb0mb3r> -_-
<@aciidb0mb3r> rofl
<@Mewtwo7> your glasses don't give you a complete view
<@Mewtwo7> the sides, the top
<@aciidb0mb3r> i know
<@Mewtwo7> plus they're further than your eye
<@Mewtwo7> so doesn't give you a natural feeling
<@aciidb0mb3r> my roof has some stickers
<@aciidb0mb3r> which glow in dark
<@Mewtwo7> o.O;
<@Mewtwo7> pixlat0r
<@aciidb0mb3r> stars and all
<@aciidb0mb3r> space ships
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> o.o
<@aciidb0mb3r> i have never seen them clearly
<@aciidb0mb3r> :(
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> You never knew about them?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> oh
<@Mewtwo7> you put them on?
<@aciidb0mb3r> yea
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> hmm I had a lot of those
<@Mewtwo7> oh THAT roof
<@Mewtwo7> your home?
<@Mewtwo7> I thought.. rofl... the zigzag on factories
<@Mewtwo7> wondered how anyone wud even be able to see them
<@Mewtwo7> and imagined u climbing up there
<@aciidb0mb3r> -____________________________-
<Prongs> -.-
<@aciidb0mb3r> they glow in dark
<@aciidb0mb3r> i put glasses off
<@Mewtwo7> |\|\|\|\|\ ~~~~
<@aciidb0mb3r> while sleeping
<@Mewtwo7> your factory
<@aciidb0mb3r> so never veen able to see them clearly
<@Mewtwo7> sleep with glasses on
<@aciidb0mb3r> not like that
<@aciidb0mb3r> like
<@aciidb0mb3r> some times
<@aciidb0mb3r> u wake up
<@aciidb0mb3r> for pee or something
<@aciidb0mb3r> -_-
<@aciidb0mb3r> then
<@Mewtwo7> lol
<@Mewtwo7> then keep them at your side
<@Mewtwo7> beside your pillow
<@aciidb0mb3r> grr
<@aciidb0mb3r> they are always there
<@Mewtwo7> I think I left the ipod playing in my ear last nite o.o;
<@Mewtwo7> tho in the morning it wasn't playing, lol
<@aciidb0mb3r> above my lappy
<Prongs> DONE!
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> o.o;
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> with?

As if I will tell....

Anyway this all happened in 5 min, a world record for DP. Congrats.
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Re: NEW WORLD RECORD! Most Chatters at once.

Postby Kawaii-Abhi » February 9th, 2010, 11:22 am

Pokie Spammer :P

*uses protect*
[smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif] [smilie=dpa399.gif]
[smilie=dpa493.gif] ←"Oh noes!"
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Re: NEW WORLD RECORD! Most Chatters at once.

Postby Prongs » February 9th, 2010, 2:24 pm

Kawaii-Abhi wrote:Pokie Spammer :P

*uses protect*

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