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Summer '06 - Beyblade 0wnage, Pokemon ignored..

PostPosted: May 1st, 2006, 9:08 am
by DP-NiSh
Image ~ Image

Recently, Cartoon Network has been promoting Beyblade a lot.. With Beyblade toys, tazos and other merchandize in the markets and free with some food brands, Cartoon Network airing V-Force Mon-Fri *and* 4 HOURS of Beyblade s1 on Sundays, and the Beyblade marathons and contests organised by CN, the lost interest in kids for this anime probably seems to regaining. I have absolutely no botheration against this, but in this process they've still not managed to get onto the next series of Pokemon, Season 6: Pokemon Advanced. If they wud do it, I bet brands wud soon come up with the new advanced Pokemon merchandize and the show wud regain its TV ratings lost due to continuous repeats.

On the other hand, they're still doing justice to Pokemon, Pokemon Master Quest still lives on the weekdays slot as repeats alongwith the Saturdays PokeMania offering back-to-back episodes. But I'm still adament on the point that they *shud* air the new season this May. Or at the least, Pokemon Movie 1.

Right when im writing this post, I just saw a commercial announcing the new series: Beyblade G-Revolution from May 12, now *that* is sure gonna increase the ratings, and probably, i hope not, steal our Pokefans... now only if they'd air Advanced too... *sigh

PostPosted: May 1st, 2006, 11:57 am
by Queen Rayquaza
hhhhhhhmmm... yeah if they start airing pokemon advanced from this summer, there might be a possibility that no one would care for beyblade (hehehehhe sorry beyblade lovers). anyway pokemons way better than beyblade. So i just hope these dumb CN people start the advanced season. beyblades getting lame now...

beyblade sux

PostPosted: May 2nd, 2006, 10:23 am
by Tanya1663
yea i dont like beyblade either, its ok but maybe just the boyz fancy it :lol: pokemon is far better 8)

beyblade cool

PostPosted: May 2nd, 2006, 10:39 am
by Janaklal
You guys shut up, Beyblade is awesome, Pokemon was getting boring, so what hurts you all if they wanna show new Beyblade episodes, duh. Maybe there should be a Beyblade forums on this site, its my favourite show, I can talk a lot about it :D I'll call my friends here, they all beyblade lovers too

beyblade sux

PostPosted: May 2nd, 2006, 12:17 pm
by SapnaYokris56
I agree with Tanya, Beyblade sux, I dont fancy it myself. Probably just the boys would like it, imagine playing with tops, thats what kids do.. AND boys :lol:

DP-NiSh, I'm with you for supporting Pokemon :D Don't worry, I bet those Cartoonnetwork guys have something up their sleeve for Pokemon, how long can they keep repeating, there's ought to be something in store for us :) just keep your fingers crossed :)

PostPosted: May 2nd, 2006, 3:39 pm
by Guest
Beyblade is good, it's not that bad..even Pokemon is good. I consider them on the same level, but I think it's not the people of cartoon network who are at fault, it's the audience themselves. Last year, pokemon was a big rage, and this year, beyblade is "cool". I guess if the audience didn't change so much, both Pokemon and Beyblade would have an equal chance.

And anyways, I'm sure they're gonna air Pokemon Advanced this year.

Beyblade ~ Pokemon

PostPosted: May 2nd, 2006, 4:40 pm
by DP-NiSh
Thanks everyone for ur opinions, but I too support both the shows. I have absolutely no dislike towards Beyblade as I said earlier, I've been watching most of the V-Force series and I loved it too :)

Aana has a point there too, Pokemon repeats wud have probably bored most of the audience, atleast it doesnt affect me since Im stuck to watching whatever is aired in Japan & USA every week, so I know why Pokemon rox, but what about those who don't even have an internet connection, those that dunno bout Advanced and the movies, if I were in their place, i'd lose interest too. I can see the same happening around here with such kids. You *need* to stay connected with whats happening in the rest of the world in the Pokemon showbiz.

Lastly, please NO WARS against the two shows, this is just to ask ur opinions. Infact u shud be proud that CN is tryin to balance every show (Transformers 1-3, Beyblade 1-3, Digimon 1-2, Pokemon 1-5) atleast we're shown sumthing new in sum ways.

.... Now now, I realise whatever i said here contradicts my first post above, but anyways ;) heh

PostPosted: May 2nd, 2006, 11:22 pm
by Queen Rayquaza
oh come on ..... Beyblade G Revolution's starting.... so dont worry. i've heard its pretty good... maybe its gonna be level with pokemon. hehe


PostPosted: May 3rd, 2006, 11:07 am
by DP-NiSh
The main theme of this topic which was why Beyblade was getting its next series and not Pokemon, has been proved wrong by CNIndia yesterday. Hence this discussion is no longer valid and I feel that any further replies wud actually point at Pokemon Advanced so for that u can continue posting in the Pokemon Advanced topic in this same Forum. I think this discussion had only a 2 day life span :lol: but it was interesting. Thanks for all ur comments.