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Let's make a story

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Let's make a story

Postby Maxedge » September 17th, 2010, 10:11 am

It was a lovely summer evening . There was a nice breeze blowing making the trees rattle their leaves and the flowers danced cheerfully. The town was busy wrapping up the work left behind as soon it would get dark. While the children on the streets were busy playing all sorts of game, there was a boy who was left behind by all. He was sitting by the roof of his house watching the setting sun and a large knife lay sheathed near him.

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Re: Let's make a story

Postby kaijudo » October 4th, 2010, 10:45 pm

(Sure Maxy)
He knew it was time for the job he had trained so hard for. Without anyone to look after him he knew he had to join join them..the same ones who had killed his parents. This was a way for him to take revenge and get help as well. He took his knife and he jumped off the roof. Hearing the wail of the sirens in the distance the boy proceeded to his assassination target.

(Always wanted to write about a kid and him or her being an assassin so :P)
Thanks to Keshavkd........YAY
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Re: Let's make a story

Postby keshavkd » October 5th, 2010, 7:41 am

{im not tht gud... ill try...}

He ran off with the pain in his heart. His tears were rolling down his cheeks as he moved forward. He started thinking about the gud tym he had with his parents.How cheerful they were. But tht fateful day changed everything. The day his parents were murdered. They just slayed his parents in cold blood. The bodies lay still in front his eyes, which evoke sumthin burnin inside him.

{ hehehe .. yeah... i no... im noob.. :) }
This was the team i beat the elite in Pokemon White. I guess all were above Lv90.
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Re: Let's make a story

Postby Maxedge » November 3rd, 2010, 10:45 am

Offtopic :
Didn't expect bloodshed though never know :P

He dashed out of the town, tears sprinkling from his eyes. He wanted to run away, far from everything, far, to a place where he could forget all his sorrows. But did such a place ever exist on earth? The answer was obvious. But he still didn't want to stop. He wished he could carry on forever. He had almost reached the edge of the forest, when he heard a cry, a painful cry. Someone was in danger. He remembered the cries of his parents. He could not save them, because he was too weak. Things were different now. He was stronger than then. He had to do something!

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Re: Let's make a story

Postby keshavkd » November 3rd, 2010, 5:14 pm

He sprinted as fast as he cud to find two guyz in black. He cud hear the cries of the girl nearby. She was helpless.
He was paralyzed by seeing the way she was being treated. There was a silence for moment. The wind was swaying as silently as an assassin. Hearing her bloodcurdling cry... he had to do sumthin and sprung into action. The blood dripped drop by drop onto the ground. He knew he had done somethin wrong but it couldnt be helped. The girl thanked him, though she was taken aback from the events that just rolled by. He was still shaking as though he had been asked to face the Messenger of Death. His eyes caught something shiny in the pocket of the men. The most shocking thing that he discovered was that the people were actually working for that person who actually was behind the murder of his parents as he knew the strange symbol present in the smudged card.
Last edited by keshavkd on November 3rd, 2010, 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This was the team i beat the elite in Pokemon White. I guess all were above Lv90.
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Re: Let's make a story

Postby Maxedge » November 5th, 2010, 2:41 pm

As he picked up the shiny symbol, he noticed that the girl was still standing behind him, staring at him, like he is going to do again something. But he had already done enough. He turned and looked at her. She was extremely beautiful. If he hadn't been so disturbed, he would have fallen in love with her. But he had a different goal to face.
He asked,"I am not going to kill you. Don't worry." The girl replied,"I see you know the symbol, the way you look at it." The boy replied,"Its something personal." The girl said,"Yours too? That symbol is of my father. I know what must have happened. I am extremely sorry for that." The boy was surprised. The one he saved, was the one whom he would have killed someday? But wait. Why were they attacking her? Something's wrong....Way too wrong...

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Re: Let's make a story

Postby keshavkd » November 8th, 2010, 5:13 pm

I guess i cant continue... Coz i've run out of ideas. :(
Max u can carry on :D :D
If u dont mind tht is.. :( :D
This was the team i beat the elite in Pokemon White. I guess all were above Lv90.
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