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Birthday Gifts Are Impossible To Decide

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Birthday Gifts Are Impossible To Decide

Postby Prongs » December 15th, 2009, 4:02 pm

* Now talking in #pokemonfunzone
* Topic is 'HaPpY BiRtHdAy DAVID aka PeTeY - viewtopic.php?f=65&t=1454'
* Set by Maxzeroedge on Fri Dec 11 10:24:10
-XDCC|Wobba- Please wait silently while we deal with our current guests. You will be notified when your turn will come. You are number 24 in line. Thanks!
<Prongs> Hello
<@Pika|bbl> hi
* Pika|bbl is now known as PikachuTrAiNeR
<@Mewtwo> hi
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> o_O
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> 209
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> already
<@Mewtwo> resumed HG at Elite 4, and the Champion is tough
<@Mewtwo> so quit
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> lol
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> He's the easiest Champion ever o.o
<Prongs> Hey guys, suggestion needed
<@Mewtwo> well my team
<Prongs> Its my Birthday on 17th
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> o:
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Day after?
<Prongs> So my parents asked me what I want and I have 1 hour left to decide.
<Prongs> Any suggestiuons?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> O:
<Prongs> *suggestions
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> hmm
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> You have a DS?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> I don't remember if you did
<Prongs> Yes
<Prongs> I have
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> hmm
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Wii!
<Prongs> Too costly.
<Prongs> *grin*
<Prongs> I tried that
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> You could import the Christmas wiis
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> with the $50 price cut
<Prongs> Anything available here?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> hmm
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> A Kindle?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> You seem to like to read
<Prongs> I have Sony
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> oh
<Prongs> :p
<Prongs> Have one Kindle at home too.
<Prongs> My cousin
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> o_O
<Prongs> We are readers.
<Prongs> rofl
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> hmm
<@Mewtwo> get an Acekard
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> I'm thinking of something you don't have
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> lol
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> .-.
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> hmm
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> A Skypephone?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> lol
<Prongs> A what?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> ... essphones/
<Prongs> I am not the phone type of person
<Prongs> I want something small and nice.
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> hmm
<Prongs> NOT a toy
<Prongs> :p
<@Mewtwo> Plushies!
<Prongs> >_>
<Prongs> Nope
<Prongs> I expected that to be the first suggestion from you.
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> ... ess-steel/
<Prongs> Good idea.
<Prongs> But ehh..sorta not very original idea.
<Prongs> I alrready thought of that.
<Prongs> I know I am missing something
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> A Ben10 halloween costume?
* @PikachuTrAiNeR hides
<@Mewtwo> there's a LOT of Ben 10 merchandize btw :P
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> DMW Genesis mode
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> :D
<Prongs> Nah.
<Prongs> I told ya I am not a B10 fanboy.
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Apocalypse reminds me of Yuuko-san's transmutation circle
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> *magic circle
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Or May's transmutation circle
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> :D Level Up
<Prongs> Anything else to suggest?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> hmm
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> You don't have anything you really waaant?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> You should make a WiShlist
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> :<
<Prongs> Not really
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> That's almost.. impossible
<@Mewtwo> you could use MY WiShList
<@Mewtwo> and fulfil it for us both
* @Mewtwo HIDES
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> rofl
<Prongs> Show it once, maybe I can choose one of them.
<Prongs> :p
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> copter
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> O:
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Maybe you could buy one of those
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> lol
* @PikachuTrAiNeR hides
<Prongs> Nope. >_>
<@Mewtwo> yup
<@Mewtwo> then copter your way to kolkata and mumbai
<@Mewtwo> the DP HQ
<@Mewtwo> oh wait sorry, the DP HQ are actually at.. erm, ping
* @Mewtwo hides
<Prongs> No more ideas?
<Prongs> I have to go soon. 30 min to go.
<@Mewtwo> ... 36dfca66fc
<@Mewtwo> WiShList 2009
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> ... =645857373
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> This
* @PikachuTrAiNeR hides
<@Mewtwo> \=D/
<@Mewtwo> although I forgot how to drive now =|
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> yay
<@Mewtwo> no >_>
<@Mewtwo> <_<
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> You can re-learn it then
* @PikachuTrAiNeR hides
<@Mewtwo> I have NEVER driven a car without someone beside me, lol
<@Mewtwo> lesse then thanks for the re-inspiration
<@Mewtwo> hmm how much is that?.. $7000?
<@Mewtwo> ^___^
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> *COUGH
<@Mewtwo> that's much easier to earn than erm... whatever 5-6 digit in rupees
* @Mewtwo hides
<Prongs> Anything more realistic ._____.?
<@Mewtwo> Told you, buy an Acekard
<@Mewtwo> and a good wifi dongle
<Prongs> I have one R4.
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> You could buy MSFT
<Prongs> MSFT?
<@Mewtwo> o.O you do?
<@Mewtwo> but but.. then you always play just pokemon :<
* @PikachuTrAiNeR hides~
<Prongs> I don't
<Prongs> btw Gotta go.
<Prongs> Any last min. suggestions?
<@Mewtwo> Aoi means blue right?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> yep
<@Mewtwo> hmm
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> O:!
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> HGSS
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Preorder!
<@Mewtwo> was going to say that, lol
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> -_-
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Is there nothing you want?
<@Mewtwo> That's all that WE want, the rest is upon you
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> rofl
<@Mewtwo> I guess then you don't qualify for the DPForums Christmas Surprise
<@Mewtwo> since you don't like anything
* @Mewtwo hides
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> XD
<Prongs> Maybe I will put some bets on a Wii.
<Prongs> What is the lowest price possible?
<@Mewtwo> yup
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> 12kish
<@Mewtwo> see my WiShList
<@Mewtwo> lol
<@Mewtwo> 270$ maybe
<@Mewtwo> plus for the games.. lol
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> 280 U.S. dollars = 13 078.6118 Indian rupees
<@Mewtwo> yes but if he buys it locally Wiis cost 18k I think?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> yes
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> 19.9k
<Prongs> K.
<@Mewtwo> -.- @ that
<@Mewtwo> I'd buy online
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> The DSes are sanely priced at 8k
<Prongs> Although I was thinking something near 9000.
<@Mewtwo> I think 6k in Palika
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> get an 8gig iPod Touch if you will
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> for 9k
<@Mewtwo> save for a Nexus
* @Mewtwo hides
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> -.-
<Prongs> Good idea actually.
<@Mewtwo> aa
<@Mewtwo> o.o @ good idea
<@Mewtwo> Is ur tv compatible with a Wii? lol
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> The Touch or the Nexus?
<@Mewtwo> I dont' think mine is.. that's a letdown T__T
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> I presume so
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> lol
<Prongs> Yes obviously
<@Mewtwo> so I've to buy a tv too?
* @Mewtwo hides
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> -.- @ obviously
<@Mewtwo> How much does a TV cost?.. in $$?
<Prongs> Yes, I have played a Wii on my TV many a time.
* @Mewtwo runs
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> *cough
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> o____________o
<@Mewtwo> LIES
<@Mewtwo> Caek
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Does your school have student exchange?
* @PikachuTrAiNeR hides
<@Mewtwo> Lol
<Prongs> A friends
<@Mewtwo> yes that was obvious
<@Mewtwo> but fun atleast you got to
<@Mewtwo> that's the next thing I'd die for, after DS
<@Mewtwo> what TV you got?<@Mewtwo> what TV you got?
<@Mewtwo> some uber huge monster mounted on the wall?
<@Mewtwo> that is compatible with each and every thing
<Prongs> nah. A Uber huge monster on a Table.
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Regardless of whether it's mounted on the wall, it should be a 'uber huge moster'
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> -.- there
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Because only HDTVs have component connects
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Its EDTV-HDTV res outputs
<@Mewtwo> ._.
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> And Wii has an EDTV output
* @Mewtwo hates eletronic talk
<@Mewtwo> *electronic
<@Mewtwo> I'm allergic to maths and electronics, thank you.
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> -.- this has nothing to do with electronics
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> It's all HDTV jargon
<@Mewtwo> still, it IS electronics
<Prongs> ALl right.
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> *cough
<Prongs> Gotta go
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> Have a PVR?
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> lol
* @Mewtwo imagines mounting his flat CRT on the wall
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> XD
<@Mewtwo> oh yes you could become the next DP capper \=D/
<@Mewtwo> you also get Pakistan, rofl
<@Mewtwo> Cap us HQ >=(
<Prongs> Gotta go really now.
<Prongs> See ya.
<@PikachuTrAiNeR> \o
<Prongs> No success in dicision
<Prongs> Bye
* Disconnected
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Re: Birthday Gifts Are Impossible To Decide

Postby adyniz » December 17th, 2009, 2:36 pm

What in the world is this?
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Re: Birthday Gifts Are Impossible To Decide

Postby DP-NiSh » December 26th, 2009, 2:15 pm

Prongs asking for suggestions about what he should get for his birthday. Should have read it all up. Prongs does a nice job of pasting some interesting chats here, for those who weren't there.
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Re: Birthday Gifts Are Impossible To Decide

Postby Petey » December 28th, 2009, 10:00 pm

Wonders what Prongs eventually decided on.
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Re: Birthday Gifts Are Impossible To Decide

Postby Cierra » January 12th, 2010, 10:46 pm

Better ask him =]
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Re: Birthday Gifts Are Impossible To Decide

Postby Petey » January 12th, 2010, 10:47 pm

I'm guessing it's his new camera. Not sure though. :P
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Re: Birthday Gifts Are Impossible To Decide

Postby Cierra » January 12th, 2010, 11:01 pm

A camera is a cool gift to have
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