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-- Submit Ur Pokemon Quotes here! --

PostPosted: October 24th, 2006, 12:58 pm
by DP-NiSh
Ever since we've had the Random Quote module on the Forums main page, haven't u ever wondered why it shud be showing some blah-blah quotes that they teach in school from certain personalities, instead of sumthing related to our content i.e Pokemon/Anime. Well I've thought so, and that wud really be a good feature for the Forums. So here ur invited to submit ur own quotes, that u've either made up urself, or discovered it on some other sites, or simply heard it in the Animes (U may also submit Hindi, and Japanese with translation, altho English will be the first preference).

To submit, post ur reply here, and each time U find more quotes, just edit ur post so there will be less posts and easier for me to add them. Please note, try to submit funny quotes, and not the common ones like Prepare for trouble.. Make it double.. and so on. You may also submit quotes related to other Animes, but they'll be low priority for now.

PostPosted: October 24th, 2006, 5:34 pm
by DP-NiSh
Just replaced earlier quotes with a few Pokemon quotes, and will keep adding more soon. Refresh the Index page to see them randomly. If U've got any, please PM me or post here. As English quotes won't be hard to find out, I'm looking out for Hindi ones, so make sure u sit with a pen and paper while watching Pokemon from now on, and note down any funny lines heard in Hindi