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:D IRC can be fun

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:D IRC can be fun

Postby Prongs » January 28th, 2010, 6:18 pm

<Mewtwo7> o.O
<aciidb0mb3r> hi
<Mewtwo7> bye
<Prongs> hi.
<aciidb0mb3r> bye
<Prongs> -.-
<aciidb0mb3r> bye to -.-
<Prongs> That looks more of a joke.
<Mewtwo7> yup, bye
<Mewtwo7> he needs to study!
<Prongs> ?
<aciidb0mb3r> :(
<Prongs> You?
<aciidb0mb3r> stack
<aciidb0mb3r> me
<Prongs> ?
<aciidb0mb3r> exam
<aciidb0mb3r> tomm
<aciidb0mb3r> :(
<Prongs> Best of Luck
<aciidb0mb3r> thx
<aciidb0mb3r> lxmmdskldm
<aciidb0mb3r> aaaa choo
<Prongs> Check out the disgusting rules of our IPL thread. Its cheating..
<Prongs> And how're you? I am posting comments coz I've disabled chat! <--- -.-
<Mewtwo7> is that how u sneeze?
<aciidb0mb3r> sometiems
<Mewtwo7> you say lxmmdskldm while sneezing?
<aciidb0mb3r> somebody hand me the notebooks , its like 50 cm away
<aciidb0mb3r> no i type
<aciidb0mb3r> while sneezing
<aciidb0mb3r> -NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
<aciidb0mb3r> good good
<Prongs> Holy, I got 20 PMs on DP at once?>
<aciidb0mb3r> o.o
<aciidb0mb3r> going to study in 10 secs
<aciidb0mb3r> 10
<aciidb0mb3r> 9
<aciidb0mb3r> 8
<aciidb0mb3r> 7
<aciidb0mb3r> 6
<aciidb0mb3r> 5
<aciidb0mb3r> 4
<aciidb0mb3r> 3
<aciidb0mb3r> 2
<aciidb0mb3r> 1
<aciidb0mb3r> .9
<aciidb0mb3r> .8
<aciidb0mb3r> .7
<aciidb0mb3r> .6
<aciidb0mb3r> .5
<aciidb0mb3r> .4
<aciidb0mb3r> .3
<aciidb0mb3r> .2
<aciidb0mb3r> .1
<aciidb0mb3r> .09
<aciidb0mb3r> .08
<aciidb0mb3r> .07
<aciidb0mb3r> .06
<aciidb0mb3r> .05
<aciidb0mb3r> .04
<aciidb0mb3r> .03
<aciidb0mb3r> .02
<aciidb0mb3r> .01
<Prongs> .009
<aciidb0mb3r> .009
<Mewtwo7> =____________=
<aciidb0mb3r> :O
<aciidb0mb3r> u know counting ?
<Prongs> Yes,
<aciidb0mb3r> good good
<Prongs> Learnt it yesterday
<aciidb0mb3r> from ?
<aciidb0mb3r> BRB for REAL
<aciidb0mb3r> NOW!!!
<aciidb0mb3r> GONE!
<aciidb0mb3r> PUFF!!
* Prongs points at Petey
<aciidb0mb3r> BOOM!!
* aciidb0mb3r dies
* Prongs throws dirt
* aciidb0mb3r wakes
* aciidb0mb3r pokes prongs
* aciidb0mb3r pokes more
* aciidb0mb3r kills
* aciidb0mb3r dies again
<aciidb0mb3r> THIS IS FINAK
<aciidb0mb3r> FINAL*
<aciidb0mb3r> GONE
<aciidb0mb3r> DONT CALL ME NOW
<aciidb0mb3r> REALLY
<aciidb0mb3r> GONE NOW
<aciidb0mb3r> THIS IS MY LAST MSG
* aciidb0mb3r dies agaihn
* aciidb0mb3r corrects agaihn to again
<Mewtwo7> -.-
<Prongs> Dude, you are handsome.
<Mewtwo7> o.0
<Prongs> That was not for you.
* Prongs pokes aciid
<Mewtwo7> aciidb0mb3r is handsome just because he killed himself and revived?

btw its because of aciidb0mb3r that we don't have Pokémon Episodes.
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