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IMP!!: domain maintenance soon

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IMP!!: domain maintenance soon

Postby DP-NiSh » November 20th, 2006, 9:20 pm

I've just recently attained the DNS Management Services for, which will enable me to set and add more nameservers, CNAME records, A records and MX records, in short, for the pending DP services like irc, Mail home, Calender, etc. It will give me greater control over the domain.

Hence after u've read this notice, in 3-4 days I'll set it up, which will result in change of nameservers and domain settings and hence at some point the domain may lead you to a wrong page (the main hosting server Apache page). Since any changes in domain settings takes 24-72 hrs for it to come in effect worldwide, known as DNS Propagation, incase of a wrong configuration, I cannot set things right instantly, it takes time to come into effect.

So in any case, if you ever encounter such a situation where you may find an Apache test page or a 404 error when visiting or any subdomains, please make note of this right now, and set it up when such problems encounter, and you'll be directed to the right place.

-- Open %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts with notepad and add these entries at the end:

The above solution is for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista systems. If you are using a different OS, the location of the hosts file is as follows:

* Linux and other Unix-like operating systems: /etc/hosts
* Windows 95/98/Me: %windir%\hosts
* Mac OS "Classic": System Folder:Preferences or System folder (format of the file may vary from Windows and Linux counterparts)
* Mac OS X: either /private/etc/hosts or /etc/hosts (the latter is a symbolic link to the former; uses BSD-style hosts file)
* OS/2 and eComStation: "bootdrive":\mptn\etc\hosts
* Novell NetWare: SYS:\ETC\hosts

For any assistance, feel free to contact webmaster[at]
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Postby Petey » November 20th, 2006, 9:31 pm

/me saves right away!
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