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Rediff article: RSS fears invasion of pocket monsters

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Rediff article: RSS fears invasion of pocket monsters

Postby DP-NiSh » July 5th, 2006, 11:40 am

I just came across this article on Rediff last night about how Pokemon was bashed by the RSS in India.. I *actually* loved most of the replies the article got... serves that guy right for his evilness. The article was posted around 2004, that's when Pokemon almost completed a year of its debut in India. The article also features an Advanced image (as u see below), prolly they dug it up the Internet, and never bothered to know that Advanced wasn't even out yet.. heh... but oh well, that doesnt matter, just read the lame article below, and post ur comments:


RSS fears invasion of pocket monsters
Dhiraj Shetty in Mumbai | February 28, 2004 15:54 IST

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh likes to catch them young to mould them into good Indian adults. So, any competition at this level is most unwelcome, especially from Pidgey, Rattata, Articuno.

Yes, the names are difficult to pronounce but that is not what the RSS is concerned about. It fears these cartoon characters and their ilk may be distracting children from studies and gobbling up a substantial chunk of the hard earned money of Indian parents. Of course, there is also the fear that the children may deviate from Indian culture and its towering figures like Lord Rama and Krishna.

The cartoon characters belong to Pokemon (pocket+monsters), one of the world's most successful game and cartoon series. The animated cartoon is set in an imaginary land. Adults may not find the characters, which resemble insects, plants and monsters among others things, attractive but kids seem to be completely besotted.

A Japanese gaming enthusiast created the characters in 1996 with help from Nintendo, which is a major player in the video game industry. The target audience is kids and pre-teenagers. Top-Insight International, a Taiwan-based firm that has the licence to market the product in Asia, introduced Pokemon in India in May 2003.

Children have reportedly taken a strong liking to the stickers, plastic stamps, trading cards, books, CDs and video games of the cartoon characters, earning Top-Insight International revenue in excess of Rs 100crore less than a year after its debut in the country.

To keep up the excitement among the kids, it has been regularly coming out with various promotional packages and is now joining hands with fast moving consumer goods and toy companies to further spur sales.

The success had prompted Nintendo to make five animated films based on the characters. More are in the pipeline and some may even be screened in theatres in India. Until then, you may be able to catch one of them on some cartoon channel. You could ask your child for details of timings.

The RSS believes that the cartoon characters have become such a rage that kids have little time to go out of their homes and play. Perhaps, of greater concern is that children may deviate from the Indian culture.

An article in its official paper - The Organiser - demanded that the government levy a heavy tax on companies promoting 'Pokemon culture' to contain the frenzy. For the uninitiated, the article briefly explains the characters and their characteristics.


Well, screw that article, and just look at some of these wonderful comments it got :lol::
  • when `Shakitman culture'claimed the lives of Indian Children, what was RSS doing? If Pokemon had been produced and introduced by someone like Mukesh khanna, RSS would have kept its mouth shut.Is Indian culture so superficial to be absorbed by a passing cloud?
  • hi i'm aanchal.i dont think this is the and my younger brother are crazy about pokemon but we havent fordotten our culture.
  • As far as i remember that the cartoon on |Ramayana was made by the Japanese people!!! so ??? think about it was it a cultural invasion for us
  • RSS are a bunch of sick-people who have no place in this modern world and educated masses should shun them.
  • In UAE the Pokemon was banned along with some other Arab countries stating the similar reasons that Pokemon would spoil their religion and culture and they were picked off the shelves and destroyed by the Governmnet officials.
    So it is not just Hindus, but muslims as well banned the pokemon. Please do a unbiased reporting next time <-- Ugh... how lame...

And... there's more replies, some evil, some neutral, and some smart enough...
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Postby Apoorv Upreti » July 5th, 2006, 8:59 pm

what a fool :evil: i posted there too after i read ur message.
maybe sum anti-pokemon community is paying him for posting such crap. :evil:
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